Sawubona (hello in Swati)! Reporting knee deep in Africa. Already sunburned. Sweaty from soccer. But above all full of joy / peace / life / fulfillment. We’ve just started kid’s ministry here at one of the seven carepoints, Bovinny. My team is lit. We have Grant, Jordan, Jaya, Kendall, Taylor, Addison, and Emma. Still outnumbered ~20:1. A few kiddos are at the carepoint all day because they can’t afford school (heartbreaking). But most of them multiply after lunch. Can’t forget the bomáke. The grandmother matriarch is strong, invincible to fire, intimitating, gentle and stuff. But the kids, wow.
I’m reminded of Hope Montessori’s (my preschool) slogan – follow the child. To observe what the kid is interested in and participate with love. Usually that love looks like holding their hand, throwing them in the air, or letting them crawl on me. I’m learning how deprived of physical touch these kids are. No one has ever washed their feet (John 13). That realization honestly brings me to my knees with compassion. I want to make them feel seen and loved. To humble myself where they catch a glimpse of how Jesus would’ve appreciated them had He physically washed their feet.
“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” – Ecclesiastes 9:10
Jackson Miller